Lightload Beach Towels 1 Piece 36x60" 4.5 oz.

Lightload Beach Towels
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6.00 Ounces
6.85 (in)
5.35 (in)
1.18 (in)
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Wow! That’s a towel? You got to be kidding me. It’s so compact. Yes, it’s a full-size beach towel that fits in your pocket. It solves some of the most crucial issues that backpackers and travelers face like space in a pack and weight. At only 5 oz. it is the lightest towel ounce for ounce, and you already know it fits in a pocket.

After hiking the entire Appalachian Trail, we also realized that personal care was another issue; being able to get the funk off and smell down was huge and Lightload Towels answered that call magnificently. It absorbs water like a sponge, wicks water away from your body and is soft enough to clean the most sensitive places.

A serious environmental issue that confronts us now is the use of microplastics in everything from towels to clothes. It's poisoning our eco systems. Lightload Towels are the opposite. They are made from Lyocell and help sustain the environment by being made from wood and plant chips which can be disposed of easily and packaged in such way that you can well preserve them until you're ready to use.

The towels are also good for cooling and insulation. Lightload Towels can further be used as first aid, static electricity insulation, tinder, padding, a mask and more.

We have improved the packaging and made it our extra strength version, so it is washable and reusable for an unlimited amount of times.

We do have three sizes in both the extra strength and originals  12 x24” the 12x12” and the 36x60.” They come in packs of one two-, three-, four-, and 50-piece boxes.