Nice size
It's a nice size to use as a beach towel. The only complaint is the print on it is rough. It would also be nice to have color and pattern options.
If you’re traveling you need the best travel towel, if camping you want the top camp towel, swimming the best swim towel and playing sports the best sport towel. Lightload towels are the best of the best. We include backpackers, sailors, hunters, fisherman, mountaineers, adventurers, explorers, cyclists, exercisers, yoga participants, kids, moms and the ordinary joe as customers. First, what we are not. We are not a microfiber towel that describe most camping towels, sports towels and travel towels. Our Ez Carry towels absorb like a large sponge. Microfiber towels are not nearly as absorbent. Lightloads are a naturally antibacterial cloth. You must treat microfiber towels with chemicals to be anti-microbial. Our cellulosic material comes from the natural environment. It’s made from plant and tree scraps and can help to sustain the forests. Microfiber is a plastic and environmentalists warn, particles of microfiber are washing into the water supply and killing sea life. We also aren’t those little popup coin tissue wipes in a tube that come 50 to a bag or 10 to a tube. Although they are stronger than paper towels, they are still a thin emergency use wipe, people use a lot, as expensive toilet tissue. There are news stories written that these wipes clog up drains damaging the sewers. Our material is made from the finest lyocell a much thicker grade fabric, washable, soft on the skin and reusable. People can burn them to dispose. Lightload pack towels are the best at easy storing and are sealed to be a clean dry towel until you are ready to use. They pack to free up space in pockets, carry-ons, survival bags, travel bags, backpacks, gym bags, bug out bags, dry bags, suitcases and more. They are truly a magic towel.
It's a nice size to use as a beach towel. The only complaint is the print on it is rough. It would also be nice to have color and pattern options.
Lightload towels are the greatest thing since sliced bread. They are effective at drying, they dry fast, and they are inexpensive. They take up so little space that they help you pack efficiently. When you launder them treat them gently and hang them to air dry. I always take a couple of the washcloth sized ones to use as multipurpose rags and the 30 by 60 for after shower. Treat them well and they will last forever, well, at least a long time.
I've bought these several times before for trips overseas. they are very lightweight so don't add much to the load of clothes you are already taking. They are much larger than a regular bath towel - closer to the size of a bath sheet but at a fraction of the weight. They dry quickly on their own when you lay them out after use - and most places you travel aren't going to have dryer - just washing machines - so this is a bonus. Even in wet Cambodia, they dried out on their own! The reason I end up buying them over and over is that our foreign exchange students love them so much that they take them home with them at the end of the year.When I get home, they also wash and dry well. The ones I bought for myself have been with me for at least 5 years. Thanks for a useful product
I love these towels! We went on a 4 week trip to France last summer which included a canoe trip down the river. We carried these light towels with us and used them for our riverside picnic and swimming. They are lightweight and are washable and reusable. We also stayed in several apartments that did not have furnished towels so these were perfect for the bath. I also bought the hand-sized ones for use in the kitchen.. so much better space wise in your luggage. I'll take these on all my trips from now on! PS.. after 8 months - I am still using the large towels around home for odd jobs!
I love Lightload Beach Towels! I bought my first one for a cruise about two years ago. I was looking for something to take on a cruise to use at the beach that was light and compact, but big enough to actually be useful at the beach. I know, I know... you don't have to pack a towel for a cruise, you can take the beach towels off the ship to use. But who wants to? They are great towels, but HEAVY especially after they are wet. I did that once and carried it around all day. It wasn't fun. I wouldn't want to pay the ridiculous price on the off chance it got lost either. The Lightload towel was the perfect solution. It is light and fits easily into a backpack or day bag but big enough to spread out to sit on or dry off with. They dry quickly when they laid out so they can be repacked easily. While it is true they are not as durable as a regular cotton towel, they are sturdy enough for several uses. I have used my first Lightload towel on at least 4 different trips, which means 5 washes since I washed it to soften it up before I used it the first time and it is still in good shape. I can see myself using it several more times. Even if I do only get 5 or 6 uses out of the towel it was reasonably priced and the simple convenience of it is more than worth what I paid. This was my second Lightload Beach Towel. I bought it so I would have another one to carry when I took my nephew to the beach. I always carry at least one towel with me on any trip now and also some of the smaller sized towels too. I am glad to have found such a great product!
Light load beach towels are maybe not as good as a 40 by 70 heavy duty cotton towel, but you can't fit that in your purse or beach bag...these you can. Several actually. Weighing only a couple of ounces, yet extremely absorbent, and who couldn't use an extra towel or two at the beach? They've been called a "survival towel" , and I agree. Because of the small size and light weight, they'd be a good item for a bug out bag. Small and light, they could be used for regular washing, drying, cleaning wounds, as a bandage, etc. oh yeah, they're inexpensive too.
Ordered some time ago and forgot about it. This past summer we moved close to the beach and pool, this towel became a life-saver. I use it as a cover-up when going to the beach with two children, this way I do not have to carry anything in my hands, later I dry them with it. It became very soft after couple washes. I washed it multiple times and it holds up well. I take it with us to every car/airplane trip. I used it as a blanket for kids, as a clean up towel, as a sun shade for the car window, as a cover-up, as a head-wrap for sun protection. I love it. One time I misplaced it and could not find it to go to the pool, I took a regular towel and what a difference! It is heavy, bulky, not as absorbent. This towel dries very fast on the sun too. Will be ordering more. The only thing I would change is the paint the pattern made with, it keeps the painted areas not soft, as the rest of the towel becomes after several washes. But this is insignificant in comparison to the convenience it gives me in different situations.